• Email Id:meanseldershomes@gmail.com
  • Contact No:040 27242528

About Us

MEANS (Medical, Educational and Nature Service) is borne out of the indomitable will and courage of Dr. O. G. Prakash belonging to a poor marginalized family in Warangal District of Telangana State. The sudden loss of his beloved mother in the village with serious illness due to absolute lack of medical facility had an impact on his mind that made him to be a part of medical profession to serve people deprived of medical attention and support of kith and kin His passion and love and service for the disabled and ailing with life threatening diseases soon earned him the reputation of “Poor People Doctor”. A small old age home for the dying and destitute founded in 1994 providing only four beds is now expanded into 3 such homes providing free shelter, medical attention abundant loving care to as many as 150 aged and disabled people.